Believe in the Magic of Camp
Camp4Kids Important Information For parents to know.
The activities your child will engage in at Camp include:
Led by fully trained Red Cross certified lifeguards, your child can canoe or paddle into adventure on Camp Oates's private lake.
Zip Line
Campers whose weight is between 75 to 250 pounds will have the time of their life zipping nearly 800 feet down a hill and over the lake.
Climbing Wall
This is a state-of-the-art climbing wall. It soars nearly 40 feet into the air and is supervised by trained and certified staff.
High Ropes Adventure Course
Your child can build self-esteem and confidence as they are challenged by a program that brings them to new heights above the trees. The trained staff of experts will lead them through this exciting program.
Low Ropes Adventure Course
Our leaders will guide your child and their cabin group in a series of problem-solving skills and learn teamwork as a group on our Low Ropes Challenge Courses.
A certified archery instructor will teach your child how to safely use a bow-and-arrow.
Arts and Crafts
Your child can learn how to make wonderful keepsakes, which will remind them of their camping experience for years to come.
Nature Activities
Our nature instructor will lead your child through our nature program that will teach creatively (treasure hunt) about the importance of our surroundings and environment.
Your child will gaze at the beautiful stars with one of the two high power telescopes that Camp Oakes has in their private observatory.
One of the highlights of Camp Oakes is swimming and activities enjoyed at the pool which is staffed by certified lifeguards.
Twilight Games
Your child’s cabin will participate in various games and activities with other cabins in friendly competitions.
BB Gun Range
A trained instructor will teach your child how to shoot bb guns in a safe, well-monitored environment.
Mine Chutes Slide
Your children will pan for gold and enjoy the mine chute slide. It will keep them laughing all the way down!
On Wednesday, your child’s cabin will get to create and run a booth at our camp carnival, where the only limits to the fun are the children’s imagination. Depending on the year we rotate between programs.
Laser Tag
Your child will get to play Laser tag in one of the best and most beautiful tag sites ever created.
Chapel/Morning Inspiration
Each day, your child will get energized as we give thanks and are inspired to face the day at a nondenominational morning chapel.
Almost every night, your child’s cabin will get to entertain the camp with skits, songs, and silliness at our infamous campfire program.
Group-Building Games
Your child’s cabin will be challenged to learn to work together and to share through our various group games.
Your child’s cabin will talk about the day’s events and what they learned each day in evening cabin discussions with their leaders.
The Ragger’s Program
Camper age 12 and older will have an opportunity to challenge themselves to make specific changes in their life by joining a fellowship with nearly a century of tradition and excellence to its credit.
Your child will be reminded of the lessons of the week and of the ideals and challenges of camp, in this final evening ceremony.
MEDICATIONS (Prescription & Over-Counter)
Do not pack any medications in your child’s luggage. This includes prescription medication, vitamins and over-the-counter medication. Place all medication containers in a plastic bag with the camper’s name printed on the front with clear instructions included. All medications must be given to the camp staff during check-in on departure day. All medication must be in the original packaging or prescription bottle/package with the dosages indicated by the doctor. Do not send any unlabeled medications to camp with your child. All dosages and indications must match the prescription. If your child’s dosage of a medication is different from indicated on the bottle/package you must get the prescription changed by your doctor prior to attending camp. Please include enough medication for the entire camp session plus three more additional days. The reason for the additional medication is in case of emergency, we will have enough medication to continue to care for your child in the event the child must stay at camp longer than the scheduled camp session.
*Money, or anything valuable
*Weapons or anything that could be considered a weapon including ammunition or pocket knives.
*Fireworks, lighters, matches or other dangerous items or flammable material.
*Alcohol, drugs or any other controlled substances
*Toys (except stuffed animals or night-time friends)
* Cell Phones of any kind.
*Any kind of electronic devices such as: video games, Game Boy or Game Gear, Walkman’s/Radios/CD Players, I Pods, I Pad, Laptops, etc.
*Any tobacco products, or similarly harmful products, this includes vapors, matches, etc.
*Sports Equipment or Power Tools
Each year we find child who continue to bring up phones or electronic devices to camp. Camp4Kid's has a zero-tolerance policy on all items that are prohibited. Please double check your child belonging before they leave for camp so we don’t have to call you to come get your child. No refunds will be given for any breach of any of these rules.
Camp4Kids holds lost & found articles for 10 days only. After that we donate to organization that can use child items. (Neither the Camp Oakes staff, nor Camp4Kids staff are responsible for any item lost, stolen or left behind by either the child or the parent. Please, prevent any problems before they start. Make sure your child doesn’t bring any of the prohibited items to Camp, or anything that if lost they or you can’t live without. Thanks for your support!
It is the policy of Camp4Kids to do all we can to avoid denying participation to any person because of their inability to pay for the costs of that program. Therefore, if the price of attending a week at Camp is a bit beyond your means, you may apply for financial aid camp scholarships that we call “Camperships”. Up to 50% of the total cost may be given.
“Rules for acceptance and participation in the camp program are the same for everyone without regard to race, sex, age, color, religion or national origin”.
In order to be considered for a Campership, your child must be between the ages of 8 to 17 years of age and you must:
Completely fill out the Campership Application and Camp registration forms;
Tell us (in written form) why the child should attend Camp and what they hope to achieve at Camp.
Provide ALL the necessary paperwork substantiating your financial position.
Monies for Campership come from our generous donors. It’s first come first serve as we never know how long the monies will last. We strongly suggest you submit your application in March to be one of the 1st on the list to be considered.
Most children will sleep on a wooden frame bunk bed with railing inside a three-walled Adirondack-style cabin. There is no electricity in these cabins. Bathrooms and private showers are available for your child’s convenience. The bathrooms do have electrical outlets and are well lit at night. For a few children there are dorm style cabins which have bathrooms inside the cabins.
Squirrels, raccoons, snakes and very rarely bears, (I have not seen one in the last 15 years). Since we are in the mountains visiting their home, we need to be respectful and take care of these animals. That is why we do not leave food out for them to eat and get sick on. We don’t allow children to keep any food in the cabins at night.
On the first day of camp your child needs to bring up a Brown Bag Sack Lunch. Upon arriving in camp, the children will be taken to the campfire as a cabin to have lunch and meet the Camp staff. The Director will go over camp rules and what is expected and what we can all look forward to in the coming week.
Two (2) things that are very important for your children to be aware of:
1) Water, water and water. Since camp is at 7,553 feet it is critically important that your child drink as much water as possible. It is important to stay hydrated to avoid becoming sick. You as the parents should begin having your child drink at least 2-3 additional cups of water at each meal at least 1 week before camp. Your child should bring a water bottle that they are able to keep with them at all times
2) The SUN, since we are so high up, it is important to make sure your child does not get sunburned or have heat stroke. They should have sunscreen on at all times, they should be using Chap-stick all the time, and they should have a hat on all the time.
Our entire volunteer staff is carefully selected, background checked, screened and extensively trained to provide the absolute best possible care for our campers. The entire counseling and directing staff are CPR & First Aid Certified, and our security protocols ensure that camper safety is our number one priority. All our senior staff is run through the national and local child abuse data bases, and their personal backgrounds are checked using the FBI data base.
But it's not just about keeping children safe, it's also about helping children grow and making sure they get the most out of their camping experience. We pride ourselves on our staff's ability to work with children of all ages and backgrounds.
Final deadline for all payments and paperwork is always July 1st , as it takes us several weeks to process all the necessary paperwork to allow your child to come to camp. If we do not receive all required documentation and payment by this date, we will assume your child is not coming to camp. Neither Paperwork nor Payment will not be accepted the last week before camp.
All medical forms must be turned in by July 15th. This includes a complete physical by a licensed doctor and copies of immunization records.
Parents' Night always the Monday before camp starts. It begins at 7:00 PM and we hope to have you out by 8:30 PM. (Parents Night is for 1st time campers’ parents although all parents are welcome to attend). Please check our Facebook Event page for additional details.
Since camp is only a week-long experience, we strive to create and maintain a camp community and mindset. Therefore, parents are strongly discouraged from visiting their children at Camp or during the camp week as our experience shows that if a child is visited at camp they often have a difficult time saying goodbye to their family again and homesickness can take hold causing them to ask to leave camp with their family. Please do not come to visit your child unless you intend on taking them home. Also, please do not call camp just to talk with your child, the camp phone is for emergency, not home sick parents.
Remember: your child will be away from home for six days. We encourage you to send your child some mail during this week: it’ll make their day! Please send as many letters as you wish but only 1 care package.
Here’s how to do it:
On the Thursday or Friday BEFORE YOUR CHILD LEAVES FOR CAMP, write a letter and/or prepare a package of goodies. Send your package or letter to:
(Your child’s full name)
Camp Oakes
C/O Camp4Kids (Dates in Camp)
P.O. Box 452
Big Bear City, CA 92314
You may wish to take advantage of Camp4Kids care package delivery service. For a fee of $10 (cash only, please) you can bring you care package to the first day drop off and we will transport and deliver your package on the day of your choosing. Your child can also send mail to you, so you may want to provide them with a paper, pen, pre-addressed envelopes and stamps. We will also give your child a postcard for them to send home, but they must remember their home address for it to get there. You may want to send them up an address label we can put on the postcard.
Children misbehave. This is a fact. When they do, it is necessary to impose corrections so that they will not repeat actions which are antisocial, wrong, harmful, or not in the spirit of Camp. Therefore, it is important that parents know what kind of disciplinary actions we will take with your child.
The first thing we do when we see that a child is misbehaving is we separate the child from the group and try to determine the root of the problem. Once we have done that, we then try to remedy it while simultaneously making the child aware of the unacceptability of his or her misdeeds. Once we believe we have remedied the problem and feel that the child understands the nature of his or her wrongdoing, we secure a promise from the child not to repeat the wrong doing.
Once this promise is made, we then assign an appropriate discipline for the child, as a reminder that all negative acts have negative consequences. Our standard discipline practice is to not allow a child to participate in a program activity. No child will ever be physically disciplined in any way at Camp.
If a child continues to misbehave, we will call you for help. Perhaps the threat of leaving camp will correct any problems.
If we determine that your child’s behavior is potentially detrimental to the camp, or their cabin we will ask that you come pickup your child at your expense. If you refuse to pick up your child within 24 hours of being given notice by us, we will refer you to the CFS (Children Family Services) and arrange for your child to be picked up by either someone else from your family or CFS if possible. No refund of camp fees is available in this case.
Camp4Kids has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to bullying. If your child has a problem treating others with respect and kindness, and if your child cannot follow rules, please don’t allow them to come to camp. If we determine with you that your child’s behavior is detrimental to the camp program, we will ask that you come pickup your child at your expense. No refund of camp fees is available in this case. Any negative verbal language is immediate grounds to be sent home.
The drop off location for camp is 3730 Susan Street, Santa Ana, CA 92704 . Sending your child off to Camp on that first Saturday is a chaotic experience at best. To alleviate some of the chaos, we have created this procedure to establish a sense of order on departure-to-Camp Day. Please have all your forms and payments in by the deadline. Please be prepared to spend most of your morning in the following way:
First, you must arrive with your child, your child’s belongings, and any previously uncompleted forms no earlier than 8:30 a.m. at the departure location. Please do not park in or block any area that we have closed off for bus traffic (you will see cones when you come into the parking lot). The buses do not arrive until an hour later.
Once you arrive, please proceed directly to be screen for lice. If we find or suspect lice, your child will not be allowed on the buses. You will need to have your child professional treated and then bring them up to camp where they will be re-checked. Once cleared proceed to the Check-In Table. At the Check-In Table, your registration forms will be checked to verify that they are complete. We will then tell you the cabin group your child is in and where to find that group. We will have a clearly defined area for luggage and medication. Please drop your child’s luggage in this luggage area, and then proceed to check in all medication, (must be clearly label ina clear see through baggie. Any medicine must have your child’s full name along with the daily dosage form with it). If you want to drop off a care package there will be an area for that, then off to find your child cabin.
Once you have found your child’s cabin, your child’s leader will introduce him or herself to you and your child. Once you have met your child’s counselor, please say your good-byes. This will allow the leader to begin the first group-building exercises unimpeded and will ensure that you are not an obstacle to luggage loading or cabin assignment.
Your child will then be off to Camp to have GREAT FUN!!! See you in a week, have a great vacation, and please do not cry until you are out of sight! Don’t forget to send your mail!
Once again, you must:
Arrive at 8:00 a.m. (please no earlier)
Do not block the bus area (designated by cones)
Go to the Health Screen area first before you go to the Check-In Table with your child.
Place your child’s luggage in the luggage pile.
Check in all medication with the staff once it is fully labeled in a clear see-through plastic bag, with the daily medication form filled out.
Drop off an care packages you might have, and pay the staff member right there. (we only take cash)
Lead your child to his/her Cabin group.
Meet your child’s Leader (discuss any special care issues at this time but discretely and out-of-earshot of other campers).
Say good-bye to your child.
Leave the area as soon as possible and begin your week of vacation.
Return-From-Camp-Day is as hectic as Departure-To-Camp-Day.
The buses will depart from Camp somewhere between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. This means that your child’s bus will return from camp between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. (We cannot control traffic, so there may be delays) You will be sent an email when the last bus leave camp with an estimated arrival time. If you still are uncertain then we ask that you call Camp4Kids after 1:00 PM to get an estimated time of arrival. You may also want to check our Facebook page which will be updated with estimated arrival times. Once the Directors arrive, a small area will be cordoned off with cones. Please vacate this area so that the checkout process can go smoothly.
It is imperative that you remain patient during the checkout process. Once the buses arrive, the luggage will be off-loaded. At the same time, Cabin groups will be dismissed from the buses and will head to a designated area. Once you see your child’s Leader, move to a position near him or her. Before you try and take your child you MUST FIRST check out your child with the counselor. The Counselor will ask you to sign for your child and may ask for picture identification before you take your child. Once you have picked up your child’s belongings, luggage, medications and you have checked-out you may leave!
Once again, you must:
Check your email and our Facebook page for details or call Camp4Kids after 1:00 PM. When you do arrive, please do not block parking lot or bus parking area.
Look for your child’s counselor and check your son or daughter out.
Collect all of your child’s belongings, luggage and medication.
Please take time to listen to your child, as they will want to talk with you about camp and all the fun they had. Please hear them out.
See you Next Year!!!
Parents’ Night attendance is strongly recommended for first time parents sending their children to camp. The meeting normally lasts about 1 hour, and parents can ask questions about the Camp, meet the camp staff, and can share their excitement about their child’s upcoming camp experience. Parent’s night is for parents, and not for children. It a time for you to discuss your concerns and homesickness feeling you are having about sending your child to camp. There is a reason we call it parents night.
If you have a family emergency and need to get a hold of your child while they are at Camp Oakes, please call 909-585-2020. Please remember that our camp is 230 acres and we have nearly 250 people in camp at any time. It may take some time to get to us or your child and have them return your call. We appreciate your patience. In that same regards, we need a phone number from you that we can reach you at any time while we are at camp. If you are going away for the week, please make sure we have a good number to reach someone at. If your child is at Camp Ronald McDonald please call us at 310-268-8488 and again we will get back to you as quickly as possible.
Sometimes campers get ill while they are at camp. We have an excellent relationship with the emergency health centers in Big Bear.
Our health center/medical staff (either an RN, or a medical health care provider) will determine whether a camper needs to be transported to one of these centers. Your primary health insurance will be the insurance charged and you are responsible for all fees associated which such care.
Payment for Camp can be made via credit card on the internet through Active, our online registration system. We do not accept cash or checks (for your protection). If you cancel at any time before April 1st , you will receive a full refund. All cancellations thereafter will be nonrefundable. This policy also includes all Campership / Financial Aid funding.
Camp includes all meals, activities, transportation, pictures, shirts, lodging and a lot of fun. There is no need for your child to bring money to camp as there is nothing there for them to buy.
You may reserve your spot by making the deposit, (nonrefundable after April 1st) which is credited toward the overall cost of camp.
Camp4Kids does not require a membership, or association fee like most organizations.
If you decide to cancel anytime beyond July 1st no portion of your fees will be returned. Remember camp has had to order food, hire staff, and order transportation for us weeks in advance.
56 Tesla
Irvine, California 92618
Camp4Kids reserves the right to decline service to your children should we feel, it may hinder our ability to serve the needs of the other children in camp, or if that child has broken our contraband, bullying or discipline policy and/or rules. Camp4Kids reserves the right to refuse service to anyone.
Because Camp4Kids/Active online registration system accepts your sign-up, this does not mean that your child is neassarly qualified to attend camp. We would love to help all children, but that is just not possible in all cases, as we do claim to have the proper training to help every child physical, metal, or social needs.
No one in camp, which includes campers, CIT's and Counselors are allowed to have alcohol, drugs, personal sports equipment, animals, weapons of any kind, electronic devices including cell phones, I pads, or tablets, fireworks, etc. Camp4Kids adheres to a strict search and seizure policy with respect to prohibited items, illegal substances and/or weapons. Camp4Kids respects the rights of each person’s privacy; however, we must also protect the rights of the group's safety and well-being. All personal items should be clearly marked so there is not a misunderstanding of ownership. Each camper will be responsible for maintaining his/her personal belongings. Camp4Kids does not take responsibility for any lost, misplaced, or stolen item.
Camp4Kids does not assume any liability or responsibility for sending a camper, CIT, or counselor home that has broken the rules or violated policies. All liability rests with the parents and/or the individual, should they be 18 years or older. Camp4Kids reserve its rights to search each camper belonging at any time to insure the safe of its camp. As parents you hereby agree that Camp4Kids may search your child belonging at any time. If a child is sent home for any reason, no refund shall be given to the family, and all liability for the safety and well being of that child becomes that of the parents once they sign out their child, and or taken possession of their child camp possessions and/or upon the parent/guardian arriving in camp to pick up their child, which ever comes first.
We appreciate your cooperation and on behalf of our entire Camp4Kids staff, we look forward to seeing your child at camp.