Believe in the Magic of Camp
Volunteer Senior Staff Member


We invite you to please read all the information provided on this page before applying.
Each year our program seeks individuals who can be positive, caring adult role models to our campers and families while living in and appreciating a rustic outdoor environment. Being a Camp4Kids Camp counselor volunteer means changing the life of a child for the better. Our volunteer Camp Staff is a widely diverse group of caring individuals. Each Camp session is made up of approximately 35 - 50 volunteers who range in age from 16 to 70+ years. Approximately 97% of our volunteer staff members return to Camp annually.
What are we looking for in a Senior Staff Volunteer?
Camp life can be a rewarding and supportive experience. We also realize that Camp is not the best volunteer experience for everyone, since it can challenge an individual's patience, flexibility and privacy. We are looking for individuals who can live in, work in, and appreciate an outdoor environment, promote healthy personal interactions with campers and staff, and be a positive role model for our campers. Staff members must show enthusiasm for the program and our mission, be flexible to try new challenges, and be able to deal with conflict. We are a team of motivated individuals that have a healthy vision for the needs of our campers.
What are the benefits of being a Camp Staff Volunteer?
The benefits of being a volunteer at Camp4Kids are many. Here are just a few that staff have told us:
Leadership skills
Enhanced creativity
Ability to teach children
Communication development
Group dynamics building
Personal growth
Appreciation for diversity
Enhanced participation in life
What is the goal of Camp4Kids?
The Mission of Camp4Kids is to create a positive, long-lasting impact on children by providing fun-filled, life changing Camp experiences. To accomplish this mission our Camp activities are intentionally planned, and our staff training is deliberately designed to enhance the opportunities for our participants to experience specific intended outcomes.
As a result of being at Camp, each camper will:
Develop a positive identity
Develop independence and self-reliance
Develop social competencies
Feel a sense of support.
What is the time commitment for a new Camp Staff volunteer?
All volunteers must attend the two day Staff Development & Training Session held typically in mid-June (this year plans are being worked out, but we will let you know at least 3 months in advance). Normally our staff starts to arrive after 6:00 PM on Friday night, and leaves around 1:00 PM on Sunday.
What is a Camp Staff volunteer interview like?
Each year we look for volunteers to join the Camp4Kids team to serve our campers and carry out our mission. Our interview is designed to help us get to know each other. Our interview takes approximately one hour. The interviewers are made up of Camp4Kids Directors and/or experienced volunteers.
Please remember we have created this process to enable us to select the best applicants to work with our campers, not to intimidate potential volunteers. We invite you to relax and, most importantly, to be yourself.
As a reminder of what we’re looking for in our volunteers, here’s a list of minimum qualifications:
Desire and ability to work with children outdoors
Ability to relate to one’s peer group
Ability to be a positive member of a staff team
Ability to accept supervision and guidance (coaching, support)
Good character, integrity and adaptability
Enthusiasm, sense of humor, patience and self-control
The ability to work as a team when required
High energy and low to no drama player
High School graduate or equivalent and at least 18 years of age
Filling out our Camp Volunteer application completely
What kind of training do Camp Staff volunteers receive?
Camp4Kids is committed to providing volunteers with quality training programs to set them up for success at Camp as well as in their lives. Dates for the training events taking place before Summer Camp. Approximately 35-60 staff members, both new and returning, will participate together in important training sessions and team-building events. Job responsibilities, emergency and medical procedures, program orientation, group dynamics and Camp traditions are presented and discussed in a fun setting. Staff will also meet their co-staff partners and plan activities and fun for the campers.
What are the rules for Camp?
Every community needs parameters to ensure the safety and well-being of its staff. Camp is no different. Camp rules will be discussed in detail at Staff Development & Training. Due to the responsibility we all share in caring for the campers, staff members are asked not to possess or engage in the use of any drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, sexual or romantic relations while at Camp. Staff members are expected to be with and supervise campers at all times during their session. We try to be a drama free environment. Please do your best to encourage that!
What is a typical day like?
7:00 a.m. Rise and shine and off to chapel
8:20 a.m. Total Camp assembly
8:30 a.m. Breakfast
10:00 a.m. Activity period one
11:00 a.m. Activity period two
12:30 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Rest hour
2:30 p.m. Activity period three
3:45 p.m. Activity period four
5:15 p.m. Total Camp assembly
6:00 p.m. Dinner
7:30 p.m. Evening activity
10:00 p.m. Back to cabins, stories, closing, and bed
11:00 p.m. Staff meeting/fellowship optional
12:00 p.m. Patrol ends/all staff return to cabins
When is the application due and what happens next?
After your application is received, it will be reviewed. If you meet our minimum requirements, you will be contacted for an interview in the Spring of 2020. You must have three independent references, and you must consent to a background check. We will relay to you the specifics on this when we contact you.
When will I be notified whether Camp will offer me a volunteer summer position?
We will notify you of your status within two weeks from the time of the interview. If hired on, we will ask for you to complete the next important steps in the process of becoming a staff member.
And finally,
To be taken to our online Camp volunteer application (and follow the steps below). We will reach out to contact you to schedule an interview if we feel your complete application and background/experience meet our requirements to be a Camp Volunteer with us.
Thank you for considering volunteering for Camp4Kids.